Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bondage Trap coming soon to estore


Tony said...

Fabulous photos Becca!!

Andy said...

Looks like Supebecca is getting operated on, or a message. Either way it doesn't look good. Smiles

Anonymous said... be fair, it looks good for us viewers, not so much for Super Becca.

Superbecca said...

thanks everyone, yes it looks like SuperBecca got shrink wrapped and to top it off with kryptonite!!!

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, of all of the models you have ever worked with, who was the best escape artist? Anyone ever get you thinking “How the heck did she get out of that one???”

Superbecca said...

I think Sasha was, she is missed so much, and Heather was a good escape artist. May they both rest in peace

Greg said...

Heather died??