Thursday, May 31, 2018

Blog is dead

I believe this blog is dead. so I won't post here any more.  You can find me on twitter.

Sorry this forum  wasn't a success


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this format never really allowed a good discussion since the posts needed to be approved so it's not like any of us could talk with one another or have a meaningful conversation.

You could always retool it to just be an update page for upcoming stuff, or just a journal type thing talking about your experiences or posting for suggestions for new content. Those posts always seemed lively.

Tony said...

Hi Becca. I sent comments to the last two blogs but they weren't published. So hopefully this will be put up. Please don't give this up!

Greg said...

Aw crap I'm not on twitter. But I understand.

Tony said...

This blog is still not taking comments for some reason. Hopefully this can be resolved

Superbecca said...

I think I just fixed it

Anonymous said... this blog still going to die or was it just some mess up with the messages not going through and you are keeping it?

Superbecca said...

The blog is fixed

Tony said...

Great to be back on here Becca 👍

Breyer said...

Hi Becca! I hope you don't ditch this blog...mostly because it's the only one i follow! I know I'm not your most frequent commenter, I refuse to be on twitter, but I love the openness you have here. You seem much more free and reachable here than on twitter.
Nonetheless & regardless, I continue to be in love with your work and hope you are too! :)

Anonymous said... the blog still dead or are you going to still use it?

Superbecca said...

as long as people continue to be interested and show interest in this blog I will keep it, but when I do not see any comments I see no reason to keep it

Anonymous said...

Becca I have sent several comments,but no posting. Was everyone blocked out by mistake

Greg said...

I second what Breyer said. I'm not on twitter and don't plan to be. This is a much more intimate forum so don't expect tons of comments, but I do always appreciate when Becca posts here, and like the other regular commenters as well.