Thursday, May 4, 2017


Lets discuss topless, what scenario would you like to see Becca in?


Anonymous said...

I would like to preface this by saying I mean no disrespect with any of these my only intention is to answer the question and provide some fun scenarios.

- Defender is captured by a villain or villainess who forces her to remove her clothing. Either through hypnosis or threat of violence.
- Defender is captured tied to a chair. The villain or villainess comes in to interrogate her and removes her top to humiliate Defender. Possibly the villain or villainess stimulates Defender's nipples to make her talk.
- Any kind of bondage with arms over head provides a visually appealing look at the breasts.

Mr. W said...

Defender! And in a scene in the script I just wrote!


Superbecca said...

Let me say that I have not decided to do this

Anonymous said...

Have you considered possibly hiring other female models that are okay with being topless or nude? That way you don't have to remove your clothing but have someone who is.

dr_quiesse said...

In the past, you were dressed in outfits that was a step from reveal everything.
Like in video no. 230.
Maybe Becca wearing something nice like a cocktail dress, attending an social event at the foe place,
sneeking thru is office, then something go wrong and she has to escape, living somehow some fabrics away... (an classic in the 80's eurospy movie),
or something like whoopi goldberg in ''jumpin jack flash'' shredder fight scene (my favorite)

Superbecca said...

That is an interesting scenario

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a scene like Bizet's Carmen, with a kind of wardrobe malfunction.