Saturday, May 13, 2017

Memories @ fet con

This was a fun time at Fetish Con


Anonymous said...

Why havent you gone back to the CON??????

Zac said...

Do you have anything exciting planned this summer? Smiles

JJ said...

Yeah becca an poolside hijenkes? Smiles

Anonymous said...

Yeah becca are you planning any more outside adventures? Smiles

Superbecca said...

Too expensive

Yes I will be shooting outside this summer

Anonymous said...

Cool.becca can't wait. Nothing better than a tanned Becca in peril. Smiles

JJ said...

TANNED Becca tied up sounds FANTASTIC smiles

Al said...

When is it? How much does it cost?

Zac said...

I agree JJ becca all tanned and tied it doesn't get any better than that. SMILES

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind me asking, how long were you in chains at the convention? It looks like it would be fun to be a prisoner for a little while.

Superbecca said...

Not too long, long enough for pictures!