Saturday, April 15, 2017


If anyone is interested in a POV custom videos, let me know!!  It will help with moving costs!!



Anonymous said...

What is a POVERTY custom

Tony said...

No need for that comment Anonymous. Please have some respect

Superbecca said...

I think he misspelled POV video

Mr. W said...

Damn autocorrect! Becca, I suppose I'd better get to writing scripts again!


Anonymous said...

Confused. What is POV. Custom

Mr. W said...

Anon, POV stands for "Point of View". The camera man films the movie from the prospective of the viewer. In the video, the viewer sees themselves as the villain.


Superbecca said...

Smiles. I will be shooting from home now

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. W. For explaining that. I never thought of myself as a villain. I guess anyone who would want to capture becca and tie her up would be a villain. Or maybe just the luckiest guy in the world. Smiles

Al said...

YES Luckiest guy in the world. Smiles

Jane said...

Alternatively, I suppose you could be the captive Hero/Heroine in the video and Becca could be the villainess taunting your helpless situation.

Superbecca said...

It was a big blow losing Sasha, then my studio. Until i get back on my feet, I am taking POINT of VIEW custom videos with just me, until I can find a new model and until I can set myself up again in a new studio, UNTIL UNTIL UNTIL!

Thanks to those who have helped, thanks to those that have ordered customs joined my site and bought from my estore.


Tony said...

Stay positive Becca. Never give up. I will always remain a member of your site

Anonymous said...

OH Dear after waiting all week Another Disappointing Damsel in Distress Up-Date Again.
it was boring, is this worth it you have loads of old set's better than this that we do not see.

Superbecca said...

What is your problem?

Superbecca said...

I will not be approving any more negative remarks

Andy said...

Dear Anonymous If your a member can you cut Becca some slack. She just lost one of her best friends and model who worked closely with her. I'm sure Becca is doing the best she can.

Superbecca said...

Thank you Andy. It has been a difficult time.

Tony said...

I am in total agreement Andy. Becca has had an awful time with losing Sasha. Becca is still doing a fantastic job and that with being under considerable pressure. Becca is a one in a million. That lady saved me from a very bad time when I was going through a very bad time with bad health issues and bereavements.I was rock bottom and her website got me through that awful time. Things are so so much better for me and I am dearly grateful to her. She is very special lady who I would class as a very dear friend. So lay off and please respect her. She doesn't need negative comments like that

Superbecca said...

Thank you Tony, some just have to have something to complain about, never satisfied.

Tony said...

You're very welcome Becca. Your work is absolutely wonderful.