Sunday, April 23, 2017

Defender only @


Jim said...

You are absolutely gorgeous as Defender. :D

Anonymous said...

You truly are soooooooooooooooooooooo magnificent

Tony said...

Definitely my NO1 Superheroine. Defender is definitely my heroine. You look absolutely stunning Becca!!

JJ said...


Superbecca said...

order a custom with Defender your favorite!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture Defender giving a bit of bare shoulder away from her cape

Anonymous said...

the pleasure is allllllllllllllllllllll mine

Anonymous said...

how did you acquire your Defender costume and cape?

Al said...

Fantastic looking body.

Andy said...

She always does look stunning! I don't think she can help herself. Smiles

Anonymous said...

How did you acquire your Defender costume and cape??????

JJ said...

You like you have a nice tan. Or maybe it's you nylons. Either way you look smokin hot Becca!!! Smiles

Anonymous said...

How did you acquire your Defender costume and cape??????

Superbecca said...

This was one of my very first costumes when I presented myself on the internet, the cape was made by a friend years and years ago.

Tony said...

The costume is absolutely stunning..With a stunning lady wearing it. Absolutely gorgeous and beautiful

Anonymous said...

Do you ever get a neck burn from the rope of your Defender cape that you tied on your neck?

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's getting ready to be shipped. Smiles

Mr. W said...

Defender and Black Cardinal have both been shipped in the past. Who's next?


Anonymous said...

Becca Marvel should be shipped as well?

Superbecca said...

not a rope burn, but choked a bit with the cape if was laying on it.

Let's see, we have Penelope, Black Scorpian, BatBecca, Mary Becca, Robyn and who have I left out?

Tony said...


Zac said...

Becca Defender looks super hot. I think she would look better without hose. You have fantastic looking legs!!!

Superbecca said...

Her outfit is too skimpy to go without hose!

Tony said...

When Defender first arrived she never wore hose and she was hot. Today with hose she looks hot hot hot!!

Andy said...

Tony I think she's got great looking legs. I think they shouldn't be covered. That's just my opinion.

Superbecca said...

Maybe some day but not right now

Anonymous said...

Becca your super hot any day!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah we haven't seen Wonderbecca lately.

Anonymous said...

yes would love to see WW in full costume including her cape .

Superbecca said...

I do not have a full cape for WW as I remember coming back from Fetish con it got wet and faded all the colors together

Superbecca said...

Maybe soon, right now I am setting up at home to shoot, need some customs!!

Superbecca said...

Trying to think we have not shipped BatBecca yet or Robyn Mr. W

Mr. W said...

Will work on it. Finishing a Defender script now, but I can shelve it and work a "shipping" one instead.


Superbecca said...

Don't have to shelve it we can shoot it!

Mr. W said...

I'll send you the script this weekend, then.


Superbecca said...
