Saturday, March 11, 2017

New Defender


Tony said...

Definitely my favourite superheroine. Absolutely beautiful and always a winner!

Superbecca said...

thank you

Al said...

Tony I'm torn between Defender and Blackcardinal as my favorite.

Tony said...

Al Defender definitely wins for me

Superbecca said...


Zac said...

I don't know Tony & Al I like Superbecca. What super powers does Defender & Blackcardinal have.

Tony said...

Defender has charm and sophistication, plus she's a fighter against all villains and crime. She's a definite winner!

Jim said...

I also agree that Defender and Black Cardinal are the top two. I think Defender wins based on the sexiness of the costume and how Becca looks in the costume. Although, Black Cardinal's leather gloves are so very sexy and Becca wears them so well :D

Zac said...

Maybe but superbecca can leap building, bend steal in her bare hands, more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet.

Superbecca said...

so happy you enjoy my characters!

Tony said...

Absolutely Becca!

Anonymous said...

Most definitely.

JJ said...

Becca you sure act out the captive herione better than anyone on the net.