Saturday, March 11, 2017

Defender new

Defender is Timeless smiles...


Tony said...

Absolutely gorgeous Becca

Mr. W said...

And once again my captive guest! This was an awesome short custom, Becca! Thanks again.


Superbecca said...

So happy you enjoyed. Thank you for being a member!

Anonymous said...

Defender so helpless. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

That looks like such a great position to be tickle tortured in (with the perfect revealing costume), and that crotch rope would probably provide some nice stimulation as you struggled to avoid your torment :D

Zac said...

Defender looks so helpless. She looks like she is looking off for help. But is help coming? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Mr. W said...


Don't be fooled by the expression on her face. Trust me, she's enjoying the predicaments I designed for her way too much to even think about calling for help!


Superbecca said...


Zac said...

Wow Mr. W. You put her in that predicament. Lucky you. Is she as pretty in person as she is on the net?

Mr. W said...


Not personally, no. I just wrote the screenplay. That tie is my idea. But Becca and her photographer did a wonderful job bringing the concept to life, don't you think. And I'm sure she's as beautiful in person as she is on screen!


Zac said...

Thanks Mr. W. For the screenplay. Not sure from the one photo what the video was like. I can only imagine. It looks great.

I bet she is. As pretty as she is in photos and video how could she not be.

Ricky said...

Becca you know what would be a great video . Defender having her tights or belt removed.

Anonymous said...

Great idea Ricky. I'd pay to see that. Smiles

Anonymous said...

Great idea Ricky. I'd pay to see that. Smiles

Leo said...

Me to

Anonymous said...

Looks like Defender is about to have another wardrobe malfunction. Smiles

Superbecca said...

order a custom

Anonymous said...

do you inside your costume get extremely moist using a crotch rope.

Tony said...

Please will you have respect for Becca. No need for a comment like that