Monday, March 20, 2017

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturday, March 4, 2017

More images

I found this image with Sasha,

More Sasha

So many shoots we did together!


I enjoyed shooting this set with Sasha, it was a custom!I


I did not post the tribute here because this is a member forum so everyone should see it on the website

Friday, March 3, 2017


Hi everyone

I have some sad news to tell.  I will try to put the drop box link here.

Sasha passed away 02/28/2017
I still cannot believe this, we worked together for ten years.  I will miss her smile, her laugh, she always laughed at me when I forgot my lines.

She loved shooting custom videos for everyone.  She will be missed!!!  Today I went to the studio to go through her things, and I just fell apart.  RIP sweet girl!!
