Sunday, October 9, 2016


Hey everyone

Wow this has been a round of bad weather here in North Carolina.  We have had a lot of rain the past few days with wind gusts!!  No damage here, thank goodness.

I am going to start thinking about my Halloween shoot, if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Also you may see me topless every now and then, so I hope I do not offend anyone.  It seems that is what every site is doing nowadays.




Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are doing okay and weren't hit too bad with the weather :D

Also, with regards to going topless, it will definitely be interesting to see you in that type of role, I don't think a lot of people will be offended and most of your fans will probably support your decision. I really hope that you are doing it because you want to...

From the tone of your updates on here and your photos/videos, you always seem to enjoy yourself during shoots and I think that it shows with the quality of your videos/photos, I hope that you are choosing to do this because it is something that you want to explore and will continue showing that passion in your work.

As always, keep up the great work and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the future.

-A Fan

Lar said...

Say it ain't so becca. Your not like the other sites. Are you talking about a wardrobe malfunction.

Anonymous said...

will your superheroines be involved would love to see each of them one point or another.

Superbecca said...

From time to time, i need to do this to gain new members so I can stay in business. Right now business is not so good, so I need to do something to improve that and topless is a good way

Superbecca said...

Lots of things to take into consideration. A shooter I can trust. That is on my to do list.
And many other things.

Anonymous said...

sounds like your to do list will speed up do to business?

Superbecca said...

I just need more sales and customs and members to keep my site opened. IT costs to have my website, even if I don't have members I still have to pay that 330.00 a month just to have my site

Superbecca said...

There are other sites, that everyone is moving to that are free you just don't make anything, i believe the owners make 40% or more of revenue that you make

Tony said...

Go for it Becca! A natural beauty you are. And I really do hope things will get better for you. I will definitely remain as a member 😀