Sunday, October 16, 2016

Is Becca a good witch or a naughty witch?


Mr. W said...

Definitely a naughty one!


Anonymous said...

where is your black cape bad witch???????????

Superbecca said...

This witch does not have a cape

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other member maybe she should have a black cape

Superbecca said...

Sorry it did not come with a cape

Anonymous said...

I would imagine from all the capes you do have you could add a black cape I would assume?

Tony said...

Absolutely gorgeous Becca!

Zac said...

Maybe this is the good witch.

Zac said...

Maybe this is a good witch, who dosent need a cape.

Anonymous said...

ALL witches need capes to bring out more their power

Sirferdude said...

Becca already has Power. She is Super Hot and Sexy. And a Body that won't quite.

Superbecca said...

Smiles. Thank you!

Superbecca said...

Thank you!

Al said...

Becca I have a cape that will turn your witch into a bad witch. How do I send it to you

Superbecca said...

smiles you can send it to me at the web address on my site!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can use the black cape for BLACK CARDINAL as well too?

Superbecca said...

She does not wear a cape either

Anonymous said...

maybe she should it would add to her already beauty and charm

Zac said...

Maybe she's Becca the benevolent good witch. Maybe she has an evil twin.

dr_quiesse said...

For the next Halloween (2017), I would like to see you in an Elvira costume. Defender should be jealous.