Sunday, July 31, 2016


How would everyone like me being the villianess, capturing, other girls?  I could always end up captured in the end?



Al said...

Becca I like anyway you want. Just as long as I get to see your great looking body & legs.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see you as the villainess in your videos. I think adding a recurring villianess would add to your already large repertoire of characters and it would be fun to see you torment and torture other heroines.

As far as winning or losing, I don't think it matters either way. I don't think that you would always have to lose or end up tied up in the end. As long as it adds up to a good story, I personally wouldn't have a preference in that regard.

Superbecca said...

Thanks for your input!!!

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

That would be OK -- absolutely. It would be great to see you as a villainess tied up in the end, too.