Friday, July 8, 2016

coming soon

Coming soon


Ray said...


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Very nice

Superbecca said...


Al said...

Is this a video

Superbecca said...

It has a video clip with the images

Jim said...

Is it available to buy on DVD

Superbecca said...

Question. Would everyone prefer high resolution images Or screen grabs from actual video?

Mr. W said...

Screen grabs, especially if they show action, because it helps me decide if I want to buy or stream the video.


Superbecca said...

Thanks for letting me know that smiles

Zac said...

What is the difference between them? Can you do both

Superbecca said...

One is still photography only. Screen grabs are from videos

Zac said...

Can you do both?

Superbecca said...

Yes that's what I have been doing

Superbecca said...

I think from now on shooting video and just taking screen grabs will do just fine. I just wanted folks to have high resolution still images, but, I will use the screen grabs from videos, they are good as well

Zac said...

Which ever work's best for you. Thanks for all you do. I'm sure like me, all your fans appreciate everything you do

Al said...

Becca was this picture from today's update. I looked all over for it or any like it. Thanks

Superbecca said...

Yes it was

Al said...

Ok sorry I will look again. Thanks

Al said...

Sorry Becca I can't find this picture in your update. Thanks for everything.

Superbecca said...

It's not as close up but it's there

Superbecca said...

Ok I did not post that photo from the set, but I will put it up shortly, I guess it does show a little more

Anonymous said...

no matter what you are truly magnificent

Jim said...

Thanks becca you have spoiled us. We love our becca and can't get enough of her. Hope you understand.

Superbecca said...


Superbecca said...

Smiles thanks

Anonymous said...

Becca you look so helpless. Someone should carry you away.

Superbecca said...

I need a carpenter handy man any of you near me?

Mr. said...

What a spectacular video in this week's update! Very sexy, Becca!