Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Message Board coming

I do have a new message board that I am going to add as soon as I figure out how to use the darn thing.  I will keep this one as well.  Will keep you updated on the progress.

I also would like to bring back web cams for the site, anyone have any input on this, and how to do it.  I could probably do it once a week, if we have a set time for it.

I think it would be fun


Monday, September 28, 2015

Boots for Heather

Hey Everyone

I wanted to run something by everyone...... Heather is in need of boots size 8.5.  She has been squeezing into my boots which are size 7's  If any one would like to send Heather boots or heels they would be very much appreciated.  It's getting kind of hard for her wearing too small boots.  She is a trooper though and wears them anyway.

Thanks Everyone!!


Red, white, black any color will do but mostly to go with super herione outfits.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

school desk

Today i went out looking for good deals, I found a school desk in perfect condition, and I had to have it, now I will tie up my school girl LOL.  It's so nice having someone to (play with, i.e. tie up) and it also gives me time to practice on my ties.!  I am also training Heather to work the camera as well as tie me up, so we are gonna have the tables turned SOON!!  So stay tuned........


Friday, September 25, 2015

First attempt at a hog tie on the lacing board

My first attempt
at a hog tie laced to my new board.
WW's Lasso is around her ankles!

Heather was a trooper, this took quite some time!!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Spanking her maid

Dom Becca
punnishes her Maid

PFC Heather tied to a chair

Girls having fun


Regarding some of the comments left.  Some of the feedback I received, I deleted because I do not want to go that far with orgasms on my website.  I thank you for your feedback, you know who you are, I did not have your email to reply to your comments personally

Love Becca

Monday, September 14, 2015

need feedback

I wanted to run something by everyone, I know the answer already but..here goes

Every site that i have viewed recently has topless and vibrators in them, it is rare to find a site without that.  Girl on girl etc....

Tell me what interests you, is this something you would like to see?  I don't think in the long run it would pull in new business, because once you have seen it all, its like whats the point.

I am a small website compared to most.  I do everything, I MEAN everything myself, I don't have help with shoots, other than Graphic Monkey  shooting me from time to time and Javier., so there is stuff that I am unable to do, as I am the rigger and shooter, and sometimes I get tied up,

Just want to know do you enjoy what I do, would you like to see something different,  Send me your ideas, let me know something.

Thanks everyone