Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hello everyone

it has been awhile since I posted here.  I am working on a blog for the website where we can communicate better and you can reply, I will let you know when it is set up.

I think there has been confusion  about custom videos being too expensive.

My rates are 10.00 per min per model.
I also shoot private customs, meaning, will not be sold.  I know some do not like their video they paid for sold to everyone, these are usually more expensive because they cannot be sold.  If you are interested in a private custom you can contact me about that. 

I am working on the Joker Series, that we have been shooting for quite some time now, and many other projects in the works, as well.  I know my biggest problem is getting the material out there, but I am doing the best that i can

Thank you to all members who support what I do, and thank you to those who purchase customs from me, it helps me shoot more content.

Let me hear what you would like to see on the website!



Greg said...

Thanks for the update Becca. Look forward to the new blog.

James said...

Hopefully we see some more girl/girl videos soon. You and Robyn are super hot together, maybe even a more g/g sensual video :)

Noticed that some of your videos have started introducing vibrators (mainly Blue's Ultimate Peril)... I hope you do a few more of those videos as well as that video was very hot.

Superbecca said...

I don't get any girl girl requests, and do not do a lot of hitachi videos, Maybe you should think about a custom video

Greg said...

Hi Becca- really like that new Superbecca costume with the bare arms and red booties. Very nice.

Superbecca said...
