Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Halloween etc

I will be going away for a very nice relaxing time very soon, I am excited and ready to chill out and enjoy what life has to bring me!!  September October is always my favorite time of the year.

I am also planning a Halloween shoot, so please send any suggestions you may have.  I already have one spooky idea running around in my head.

Let me hear from  you

Love Becca


Greg said...

A vacation Becca? If so it's well deserved. I know how hard you work!

dr_quiesse said...

For a Halloween shoot, something like Elvira style. Not a copy cat, but a vamp, with a hint of Defender. Bonne vacance !

Superbecca said...

Will look into a costume! Thanks

Superbecca said...

well I wont be going anywhere after all. Such is life.....