Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Defender Vs the Skull

This was my first shoot with the Skull, Defender will have to escape nest time!


Anonymous said...

Why isn't DEFENDER wearing her cape??

Superbecca said...

you will have to purchase the video to find out smiles, it should be online soon

Greg said...

Great carry, especially with no boots and your arms tied up.

Superbecca said...

Thank you

Superbecca said...

yes I have not done many over the shoulder carries with arms tied due to fear I guess, but that particular time i did not have time to think about it he just swooped me up and off we went!

Superbecca said...

yes I have not done many over the shoulder carries with arms tied due to fear I guess, but that particular time i did not have time to think about it he just swooped me up and off we went!