Sunday, May 19, 2019

Which would you prefer to see

Superheroine or
Damsel in distress

Let me know your thoughts



Superbecca said...

I am planning shoots, I feel as though I have not done any superheroine videos in a while, so let me know

Still Working on Joker 2 I think production has slowed down on that, I will have the footage together soon...

I wanted ideas for the Joker Video as well, if anyone has any input on that it would be great.

Greg said...

Hey Becca thanks for the update. Superheroines are your bread and butter but some variety is essential. Lately I've really been enjoying you in office/secretary mode. I think a 50/50 split, or at least 60/40 would keep most happy. Not sure what you mean on ideas for the Joker video? I thought most of that series was already shot and just needed editing. If you can clarify what type of input you need?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like both DID and Superheroine topics, so 50/50 is good. I’m most excited about the Jungle Girl character. There are a lot of possible scenarios!

Jim said...

I prefer your superheroine shoots over general damsel in distress shoots as well. Not that there is anything wrong with the DiD shoots, I just prefer seeing you as your superheroine characters.

Zac said...

Becca your so good in either format. I am glad that you asked. For me I am happy with ANYTHING you film!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Jim superheroine is more exciting. Its a rush to see someone who is a superheroine fall into troubled situations. Like to see more of your other heroines,seems like its always the same 2or 3 getting all the attention.

dr_quiesse said...

Bonjour Becca. I am divided between the superheroines (Defender being my favorite) and the damsel in danger, notament Darla PI. Maybe some crossover with a touch of ENF. Your choice.

Breyer said...

Happy belated B-Day Becca!!!
I won't add anything other than...I'm loving Secretary Becca!

Superbecca said...

Still working on joker video slot had been filmed looking for ideas what the joker should do to my characters for future installments

Superbecca said...

Which characters?

Superbecca said...

Thanks. I do need to do more exciting things with my characters

Superbecca said...

Which ones?

Superbecca said...

Cool thanks

Superbecca said...

I need a good hypnosis script for Defender

Jim said...

My personal favorites is Defender. I really like that bikini and red high heels costume that has been appearing as Defender a lot recently. It's a nice alternate to the original.

I really like Black Cardinal, Robyn, and hope you use Red Falcon more as well.

Superbecca said...

Thanks Jim ! I have only shot one Red Facon as she is a new character!

Superbecca said...

Thanks. Jungle girl is a new character hopefully she will fall into many devious traps

Anonymous said...

You said you might need to do more exciting things with your characters.How about showing bending a bar with SB or showing her running then a jump to take of flying?Does Defender fly or have super strength never had seen any since I joined??

dr_quiesse said...

Bonjour Becca. I think Jungle Girl will be a nice addition to your site. The water and the jungle are full of surprises, whether natural or man-made (hostile or "civilized"). A big snake, a huge spider's web or any other nasty beast awaits you at the turn of the next tree. Be brave!

Breyer said...

Happy belated B-Day Becca!
I'm happy with a healthy mix of long as Secretary Becca is involved. Secretary Becca makes me happy! :)

Superbecca said...


Superbecca said...

Great ideas Defender has many super powers. Can you guess any of them?

Superbecca said...

I hope to develop her further. Script ideas?

Superbecca said...

Thanks. Glad u enjoyed secretary Becca

Superbecca said...

What about secretary Becca getting in to more vulnerable situations ? Little more then PG?

dr_quiesse said...

Hello Becca. An idea like that, Secretary Becca is sent by his boss in a dilapidated cottage to make his inventory. Suddenly, an unexpected storm hit the place, forcing Becca to spend the night in what turns out to be a mansion haunted by a perverse spirit. be brave

Greg said...

Yes to Office Becca. I like it when Becca in office wear is the boss and then gets the tables turned on her by an underling. Much like The Raise video with Robyn. Becca has her authority stripped (along with some clothing items) and then tied/taunted/spanked by her employee.

Anonymous said...

I hope one day we get to see Defender tormented with a forced orgasm or two. Seems like that might be her weakness...

Anonymous said...

Your superheroines seem to get caught and submit very easily .Have them put up more of a fight

Anonymous said...

would love a lot more than PG, anything you can give us, I love watching Racheal Steeles videos, would love to see you in some of those

Superbecca said...

Rachel Steele is great but I don't shoot Rated X stuff mine is more PG I may push the limits or implied, have to leave something to the imagination!