Friday, April 5, 2019


I think I will start posting my stuff here, twitter is just over rated over there  Any one interested on this forum anymore


Jim said...

Yeah...this forum is great for seeing updates. I was hoping you would return to this to post updates.

Greg said...

I actually read your posts and all the great pics you post on Twitter, even though I don't have an account so I can't comment. Obviously Twitter has a larger audience than here, but it's still nice to have our own little world of your hardcore members here.

Superbecca said...

Thank you. I did not think anyone here was interested

Breyer said...

Yep, exactly what Greg said. :)

Jim said...

I think one other thing to keep in mind on this forum (since you have expressed disappointment in the past regarding it) is to not really expect a lot of discussion from us.

We can really only comment so it is hard to treat it like a normal social media outlet. I can't speak for everyone on here, but even if I don't comment, I am definitely still viewing the page (daily).

Hopefully you are still inspired to post previews and other news updates on here even if you don't get a ton of comments or it feels "dead" because there isn't a lot of fan interaction.

Superbecca said...

comments are appreciated, I stopped posting here because no one was interested.

Greg said...

I think Jim is right. Much of the activity here is dependent on Becca making posts that we can comment on. We can't really start topics on our own. So in that way this forum is reactive to how much Becca posts.

Superbecca said...

I understand, but when I dont have comments on anything I post, its like why post? Know what I mean? I posted two new images no one commented.