Saturday, November 10, 2018

Membership drive

Hey everyone

The holidays are getting here so fast!  Let's make this a good month,!  Happy Dance!!!!
If you aren't a member join the fun,  I also have yearly memberships through the mail, with your one year membership you will receive a free ten minute custom video!!  Yearly memberships are 150.00 and you do not have to use a credit card!   Let's get this membership drive up and running!    The more members and sales the more I can produce and  hire new models!!  We need more models for

My e-store has new videos!!  Check them out.

CBT theater is a great streaming site you can also go there and view many of my videos.

Thank you to everyone for joining my site and thank you for supporting what I do, as you all know I have been shooting your fantasies for over 18 years and still loving every minute of it.  Thank you to everyone who has ordered a custom video from me past and present. 

I will be having a special guest shooting with me, so stay tuned, you will not want to miss it!!

Happy Dance!!! every sale, I do a happy dance!!

Black Cardinal
Penelope Princess
Mary Becca
and of course Becca the Damsel


Tony said...

Hey everyone!! I'm a member and have been one for over two years now. It's definitely the best thing I ever did. It's a fantastic site and I absolutely love it!! Becca always brings joy and happiness to me in what she does and I'm so proud and honoured to be a member. I would definitely recommend that you too should join up and become a member too!! Believe me you don't know what you're missing out join up!!

Superbecca said...

thanks Tony