Monday, September 10, 2018


Hi everyone

If you haven't ordered a custom you should!!  Order your custom now.

Have a Defender Fantasy?
Black Cardinal Fantasy?
Super Becca Fantasy?
Bat Becca Fantasy
Mary Becca Fantasy
Penelope Fantasy?
Black Scorpian Fantasy

Send me your scripts!

Joker Revenge I  in soon to be released as a DVD
There will be six more episodes!!!  Stay Tuned


Tony said...

I had custom movies done with Becca and I will definitely say this..go for it!! Your scripts are turned into reality!! The best thing I have done!! Thankyou Becca!!

Anonymous said...

@Tony - which specific videos have you gotten done as customs? Which specific ones were your favorite that you had done?

Greg said...

Hi Becca- hope you and yours are staying safe during the heavy weather coming in! I imagine you've been through this before.

Superbecca said...

Thanks Greg