Monday, October 9, 2017

New Clip added on the estore.

New Clip Added on the Estore

Revenge of the London Villain Vs Defender!




Anonymous said...

Looks great in your new studio,was Defender stripped of her cape as well as her mask and boots?

Superbecca said...

check out the video

Anonymous said...

well i would like to know i will buy it shortly.

Tony said...

Anonymous buy's sure to be quality

Andy said...

Anonymous I have found the best way to get everything you like in a video is to order one. I have and have never been disappointed. I think Becca is running a special on custom videos this month. You can always email her to find out.

Zac said...

Anonymous I don't think you can go wrong with a Defender video! She's one of my favorites! Smiles

Anonymous said...

One thing I am curious about, why is the content of the video so secretive? Someone asked a question about the video and the answer was to just buy it but not provide any details as to the answer of the question. The video description is also very vague and really only says that Defender is captured by the London Villain with couple of fetishes listed.

Asking someone to pay almost $20 for a video but not providing any details is kind of a big ask for a lot of people. I don't really think many people purchasing fetish videos care too much about the plot, I know personally I would much rather know the content of a video than just a vague description and hoping that it meets my expectations.

Is there anyway you can expand the video descriptions to be more clear about what is in the video or at least provide a better description of the fetish content found in the videos instead of a vague description of the plot? It might help people that are on the fence but aren't really sure what kind of content is in the video they are going to purchase.

Superbecca said...

There is no secret about anything, it lists what is in the video
I charge 1 buck a minute like everyone else, so 18.00 is not alot for a very high quality video.


Superbecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tony said...

Anonymous..There is nothing vague about the content. 18.00 is not a lot to ask for. You are saying it's a secret. Why ask questions like that? I have Defender DVDS at home and everyone is definitely brilliant, excellent quality and value for money. A lot of work goes into filming. These can take a lot of time to do the filming, getting things ready and no doubt a lot of takes to do just for one scene. If there was too much detail in writing, then it would give the plot away. I honestly can say $18 is an absolute bargain. And I can definitely tell you from experience, her films are brilliant. And you can watch them over and over I still do. There is definitely nothing vague and no secrets regarding her films. Personally I really can say you're definitely missing out on a bargain

Tony said...

And just take a look at Andy and Zac's comments. I'm with them and they can't be wrong can they?!!

Andy said...

Anonymous I know what you mean. I don't think Becca was trying to be secretive. Why don't you email her.

Andy said...

Anonymous the description does say. Mask & boot removed

Anonymous said...

Apologies if it sounded like I was attacking the content or the pricing. I didn't mean it in that way at all. I was mainly curious why the response to a question regarding the content in the video was "check out the video" instead of providing an answer (especially someone asking if her cape is removed), which is why the content of the video sounds secret.

I also wasn't attacking the pricing, I understand the dollar per minute model and am totally fine with that, I understand that and $18 is not really not that much, but it is if I were disappointed in the video (not saying that I necessarily would be but it is always something I consider).

I feel that the description is vague in the sense that it just says "Bondage" for this video but it doesn't tell me what kind of bondage is featured in the video. Anything involving restraint is technically bondage, tying someone's hands in front of them is technically a form of bondage.

I'm was looking for some specificity in the description of the video and the content involved so I know what I am spending my $18 if I were interested in the video. There are a lot of Becca's videos that do contain more detailed descriptions of what happens in the video so I know what is going to happen.

Again, apologies if it sounded like I was attacking the content, I wasn't.

Andy said...

Anonymous did Becca ever reply to your email? I think she gets pretty busy at times. She doesn't have much, if any help.

Tony said...

Andy I absolutely agree with you. She works really hard in what she does. With like you said, little or no help. She does get pretty busy so there are so many hours you can only do in a trying to leading a normal life!

Greg said...

I bought this video based on the photo. Any video where Becca is KO'd and carried, either cradle carry or OTS are my faves. I may have to ask for a custom video in the future because I, like many people probably have more specific likes and dislikes. I do miss how there aren't multiple photos in the descriptions like the older vids have. Probably my fave videos would include three actors total. A male and female villian that capture, carry and bind Robyn. Also with three people when one of them is offscreen they can be operating the camera for pans, close-ups etc while the action is happening. Just my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

Greg do you live near Becca. I bet she would love to have you work with her. You could even do your own custom video.

Greg said...

Of course I'd love to work with Becca. Unfortunately I'm on the opposite coast. A custom video will have to suffice.

Andy said...

Sounds like you need a road trip. Lol