Sunday, August 27, 2017

Don't miss the labor day update!!!!

Its going to be awsome!!


Tony said...

Sounds pretty exciting!!

Andy said...

No doubt you'll be hot as ever! Smiles

Zac said...

Becca. Thank You in advance you keep spoiling your fans with added bonuses on the holidays.

Greg said...

Can't wait!

Andy said...

Yeah Becca Zac is right. Thanks

Superbecca said...

smile don't let it pass you by!

Tony said...

I won't that's a promise 👍

Anonymous said...

Amazing update for Labor Day Becca. The Belly button shots were awesome and so were the topless shots. Those two and barefoot for your next big shoot would be even more amazing. Just a thought from a big fan, Robert

Andy said...

WOW WOW WOW Becca it was better than awsome.

Al said...

Thanks Becca. You made my labor day. Even though I had to work.

Andy said...

Al she makes my day every time she updates, or post's on twitter. Lol

Tony said...

Becca!!! Absolutely stunning!! This was definitely well worth the wait. Thankyou so much for this awesome update!!! And a happy Labor Day to you to here from the UK. And also to everyone here on the blog!!

Breyer said...

Thank you Becca!!! Between the update and the new Black Scorpion video, it has been a great Labor Day :)

Zac said...

Wow Becca. I hate for summer to end. I'll sure miss you wearing swimsuits. You have gorgeous legs and breasts. Smiles

Tony said...

Absolutely stunning and extremely sexy!!

Greg said...

Becca, such full and natural topless photos! Wonderful. We don't get to see your beautiful breasts enough. I'm more of a leg and butt man myself, but you really should show off your lovely breasts more often. What a treat for the fans.

Superbecca said...

Thank you for the kind words. I hope no one is offended by my update. This won 't happen every update, but sometimes smiles, only for members and only on my website.
Glad you enjoyed the update


Tony said...

Definitely not offended Becca. You're absolutely beautiful

Chrisnylons said...

I liked to see even more of you hope that you allow us to gaze at your amazing breasts more

Superbecca said...

Glad you enjoyed, this will not be on every update but as long as you stay a member you will never miss when I do post

Andy said...

Becca thanks so much for the update. Your the only site that thought enough to give your fans a holiday update.

Anonymous said...

Good point Andy. I knew their was a reason I liked being a member. Smiles

Superbecca said...

Your Welcomed Andy

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Definitely not offended, Becca. Thank you for a great update!

Superbecca said...

Thanks everyone, and glad you enjoyed my update!!
