Saturday, January 7, 2017

SuperBecca playing in the snow!

Woke up to 8 inches of snow this morning!  It is still snowing here in NC.  Love it!!!



Tony said...

8 inches of snow!! We've had -7 and no snow here in the Midlands!! Will there be snow in early October or is it a little bit warmer?! Lovely photo Becca!

Anonymous said...

Yes lovely pic will there be more pictures on the member site soon???

Anonymous said...

This would be the perfect opportunity to do a video where you are taken prisoner and somehow tormented by a villain/ess using the snow. It would be interesting to see Defender or Super Becca tied up and some how the villain/ess using snow to interrogate or otherwise torture you.

The villain/ess could rub Defender with the snow making her cold and slowly break her down. Or with Super Becca, the villain/ess could drop snow down the front or her shirt, wait for it to melt then do it again to break her down.

Not sure if it's really possible...but it's definitely an interesting thought.

Superbecca said...

Yes very interesting

Surferdude said...

Sounds like a great custom video. Anonymous you should write a script and order a custom video. I would sure buy it.

Anonymous said...

Are there more pics of SB in the snow? Will they be on the member website?

Superbecca said...

there is a whole set of SB in the snow to be posted soon, stay tuned.....