Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trip down memory Lane

Hey everyone

The holidays are winding down, we all spent too much money and now the aftermath smiles.  I have been sitting here thinking about when I first appeared on the internet.

Does anyone remember when?  How many of you have followed me from the beginning?  I remember it was an exciting time for me when I first opened my first yahoo group with all my costumes, i believe Banner was one of the first, followed by Defender, but wait, how could i forget Super-Becca?  She was my passion, she drove me to opening my member site!

I will admit, I led a very sheltered life growing up and had no idea what bondage was until I opened my yahoo group, then members of my group showed me the ropes so to speak, some of those members back then are still members today and I thank you for that.

Things change, people change, and my site has become one that is run by me alone with help from Dixie doing the updates, and I do not have all the fancy models that other sites, have but what i do have  is a passion for what I do and I love it..  I just wish that more people were into the costumes and that more people would join my site.

I miss having manipulations done for my site, like in the beginning  and stories.  I had some  great writers in the groups, that have slowly disappeared over the years.

I am still here folks after 18 years,   I love being captured and tied up after all these years,,,, so if you are not a member join my site, order a custom buy my clips....

I was one of the first sites out there, so come on support your girl!!!



Mr. W said...

I think I found you back on SHIB, and then Reds Realm might have pointed toward your link too. I've been a fan ever since then. You've come a long way and outlasted more than a few who've retired. Bravo!


Superbecca said...

Yes SHIB hosted my site for many years when it was free. Ken is a wonderful person. I finally met him one year at Fet Con and he tied me up!!! I remember Red as well. Wow where have all the years gone? Thank you for following me smiles.

Tony said...

I first saw your site in 2003. I was very impressed with what I saw. Then all those years disappeared and just over a year ago again I found your website by chance. A few things had changed. I emailed you at the beginning of this year and said I was very impressed with what you were doing and I said 'no matter how young or old you are, if you want to do something totally different in your life..go for it!'. I fell for Defender straight away. Wow! I thought for the very first time I saw her. You certainly haven't changed! Still beautifull and also very sexy too! The website has certainly got so so much better. And then earlier this year as you already know, you saved me. And from the bottom of my heart, you did, and I am so gratefull to you and I thank you Becca. You certainly did the right thing when you took that big step forward in your life to do what you enjoy so much, and the joy and happiness you give to me and also your other fans. And those Defender photos that were taken in 2002 standing at the gents door with that gorgeous smile and your finger saying 'come on' is definitely my favourite photo from that time..but the photos have most definitely got better and better. I most definitely keeping my membership and support for you Becca. Keep up your wonderfull work..It certainly makes me smile! Love Tony

MCH said...

I'm proud to be one of those people who talked you into doing bondage :)

Love you, Becca!!!


Superbecca said...

Thank you so much Tony!!

Superbecca said...


I remember those days like they were yesterday!!! You were right there along side me all the way, thank you so much, awww your so sweet, love you too!!


Tony said...

You're very welcome Becca. You are absolutely wonderfull!!

Tony said...

Happy new year to you all !!

Superbecca said...

Thank you Tony

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

I think I first ran across you in 1998 -- that has to be close to the beginning!

Superbecca said...

Yes it was, it has been over 18 years. Glad to see your still around after all these years smiles. Trying to do things different now, so people will be more interested in my site.

Anonymous said...

What new things are you trying to do different????

Superbecca said...

showing a little more

Anonymous said...

does that mean even SB as well?

Anonymous said...

Of all of the times that you were shown the ropes, which video of yours has the tightest ropes that you ever experienced?

Superbecca said...

There were alot of tight ropes... one comes to mind is Muzzler he ties very very tight. I believe he was one of the first bondage shoots i ever had.