Saturday, December 31, 2016


Lets bring in the new year right.  I have a mission.  I need 4 custom videos a week for the next 8 weeks, let's see if  we can reach my goal!!!

So many things to do!!!



Have a safe and happy new year

Hi everyone

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trip down memory Lane

Hey everyone

The holidays are winding down, we all spent too much money and now the aftermath smiles.  I have been sitting here thinking about when I first appeared on the internet.

Does anyone remember when?  How many of you have followed me from the beginning?  I remember it was an exciting time for me when I first opened my first yahoo group with all my costumes, i believe Banner was one of the first, followed by Defender, but wait, how could i forget Super-Becca?  She was my passion, she drove me to opening my member site!

I will admit, I led a very sheltered life growing up and had no idea what bondage was until I opened my yahoo group, then members of my group showed me the ropes so to speak, some of those members back then are still members today and I thank you for that.

Things change, people change, and my site has become one that is run by me alone with help from Dixie doing the updates, and I do not have all the fancy models that other sites, have but what i do have  is a passion for what I do and I love it..  I just wish that more people were into the costumes and that more people would join my site.

I miss having manipulations done for my site, like in the beginning  and stories.  I had some  great writers in the groups, that have slowly disappeared over the years.

I am still here folks after 18 years,   I love being captured and tied up after all these years,,,, so if you are not a member join my site, order a custom buy my clips....

I was one of the first sites out there, so come on support your girl!!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Defender Christmas story

If you are a Defender Fan you will not want to miss this update!

Merry Christmas all and a Happy New Year/  Not sure what the new year will hold for but I am trying my hardest to keep the site opened!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas

Hope everyone has  a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Thank you Tony

Thank You Tony for the beautiful flowers!!!  You made me smile today, thank you.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tis the season

Is that time of year again!!
I love Christmas, thank you all for supporting what i do!
