Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Poor Defender, she was sold to the highest bidder!


Mr. W said...

Money well spent! Don't worry D, I've dreamed up all sorts of "delights" for you, now that you're my guest!


Zac said...

Wow I would have bid.

Sirferdude said...

Hope Defender dosent struggle too much. She is going to have a wardrobe malfunction. Smiles

Anonymous said...

When this video going to be on sale?

Superbecca said...

It's streaming now on cbt

Al said...

Save that shipping container Mr. W. When your finished, can you ship to me.

Mr. W said...

Sorry Al, she's all mine. I recommend you contract to purchase SuperBecca or Black Scorpion!


Henry said...

Hey Mr. W. Don't you think you should give poor Al a break you can't keep Defender all to yourself. LOL

Jerry said...

Hey put me on the list.

Superbecca said...

It is a video