Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Membership drive

I am still running a membership drive.  I do offer one year memberships, however it is through the mail, so if you are interested in that email me., it does have it's perks

I would like to increase memberships, to be able to continue what I love doing, bringing everyone's fantasy to life.

If you like costume super heroine bondage, this is the place smiles!!  I don't have fancy models I have girl next door super heroines and damsels!! 

I heard that C4sale  no longer accepts chloroform, so if that is your fetish, you have come to the right place.  

I may in the future (may) offer streaming on my site, I am working on that, to see how that will work but that would be a good thing!!

Will keep you posted.



Anonymous said...

Great job Becca a 1 year membership would make a fantastic gift this year. I think we all owe it to our selves.

Superbecca said...

Yes that would be a great gift to yourself, monthly members as well!! Trying to increase memberships so I can continue.

Anonymous said...

Becca how is the membership drive going

Superbecca said...

I have had one new member to sign up for the yearly membership, and several new monthly members. Thank you to everyone who supports my website, monthly members, three month members and six month members, thank you very much. Without you, I would not be here, who wants to help with the membership drive??? Email me your suggestions etc. I love getting emails!!

I have started using twitter, although I do not know much about tweeting, but stop by and say hello if you twit,

I also want to thank everyone for supporting my e store on my website!! Thank you very much!!!


Superbecca said...

Also a BIG thank you to those that order custom videos from me. They are so fun to shoot, and I just love doing customs. If you would like for me to bring your fantasy to life, just shoot me an email. Love hearing your fantasies!!


Anonymous said...

What extra perks does the year membership include?

Superbecca said...

Those who wish to join for a year, receive a free ten minute custom which involves one tie and one character,

Superbecca said...

I never made my goal during 2015, but maybe during 2016 I will meet my goal. Been here a very long time, This year has been tough especially with my studio flooding and at the wrong time as well. My husband was having a hip replacement and I was at the hospital with him, when I got the call that my studio had flooded, I am still trying to recover from that when the pipes froze.. HOPEFULLY this winter I will not have to go through pipes freezing again.