Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Black Scorpian

Black Scorpian


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Are your hands tied there?

Superbecca said...

of course!

Anonymous said...

I like this picture. I like how even though you are captured, you appear to be confidently awaiting your fate, whether it be torture or interrogation, you confidently look ready to endure it.

Great pic!

Superbecca said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

would love to see you wear a black cape with your Scorpian costume?

Superbecca said...

I dont have a black cape to go with SH costumes

Anonymous said...

maybe its time to invest in a black cape for the SH costumes???

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting if you added a choker or some kind of collar to that outfit. It already looks sexy enough as it is but it could be a nice sexy little detail.

Or perhaps, because she is captured, maybe her captor should put a slave collar on her ;)

Anonymous said...

Maybe its time to invest in a black cape??