Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Things about this forum

I believe no one really uses this forum, so I will not put any more energy into this.  It does take time, when I could be putting energy in other places.

I did think it was a good way to communicate with everyone, but it looks like that is not working out.

So, I will put my energy into the inside of my website.



Anonymous said...

I think the main issue is that a blog posting doesn't really allow for much discussion in the grand scheme of things compared to say a message board. I think a blog posting was a great idea for you posting images of new models on your site or a very brief preview of things to come on your site but it just seems like most of the comments are "this looks great" or "I can't wait" but there isn't really much room for discussion.

It is sad to see this go, but I also hope you keep up the good work :D

-A fan

Superbecca said...

Thank you for your comments. Yes I need a message board and will have to look into that for the site, where everyone can join in on a discussion.

Tom said...

I agree with the above comment - this format of 'forum' doesn't really lend itself to any discussion. I looked at it about 3 times before I found how to leave comments to postings and I may be wrong but I can't see how anyone can start a new thread. The old style message board was a lot better.


Superbecca said...

I have asked surfnet to help me with a new message board, hopefully soon something will happen