Thursday, March 19, 2015

Vintage lingerie

Vintage Lingerie


LordDogmore said...

Looks GREAT!
I can't wait to see the photo set that goes along with this.

fiendishvillain said...


Anonymous said...

You have to do a story set using this costume. It looks fabulous. Would be great with you being chloroformed and tied up.

Superbecca said...

Thank you!! I will keep that in mind!!!

LordDogmore said...

I read about your studio being flooded.
I hope to maybe help out.
It probably won't be much, but I'll try and send something.

Superbecca said...

Thank you so much

Superbecca said...

Hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather, its beautiful here in NC! Doesn't anyone want to make a visit and tie me up?

Superbecca said...

I wanted to thank those that have helped during my studio flood, thank you very much!!