Friday, December 12, 2014


Hey everyone

I am working on new things.  I wanted to ask what you would like to see?  I am open for suggestions so please feel free to let me know. 

I know I have not been in front of the camera much, but I have had to go behind the camera to shoot others until I have a shooter.

I was thinking, would anyone be interested in seeing self bondage?  If so send me your ideas.

To all members thank you for being a member of my website and supporting what I do.

My goal is to increase memberships!!!  That means more models and shooters!!

Anyway let me know your thoughts!



JC said...

love to see MORE of Robin and Mary Marvel

Anonymous said...

Would to see Becca more as Mary Marvel & Robin the girl wonder

Anonymous said...

Ms Becca I just started viewing your website and I agree with the others, girl on girl is so old. Also I'm a man, however I think it is unnecessary for you to go topless. You are fantastic just the way you are. Please don't cave in to that.

Superbecca said...

Thank you very much, I appreciate this.

Superbecca said...

I love what I do, and I wish more people were into the costumes, and just enjoying seeing me tied up etc, but I know others want more for their money i.e. nudity sex etc, but that will never be on my website, I have nothing against those that do, just making that clear. I have been doing this for over 18 years, and was one of the first sites out there,, i enjoy following my dreams, and bringing everyones fantasy to life! My original characters are here for everyone to enjoy. Thank you for supporting what I do, it means a lot.

Love Becca


Anonymous said...

Super becca, recently I emailed you about paying you to do a specific photo shoot. I hope that I did not offend you. I did not mean to give you the wrong impression. I have several brand new costumes that I thought you would look awesome in, two are different pirates, and the other is pink camouflage pants and t-shirt.if you would like to have them I will send them to you for free. You dressed as a pirate would be very hot. They are size medium.

Superbecca said...

You did? I don't recall a custom request like that Sure always can use new costumes. Thank you very much


Anonymous said...

Super becca, I'm not sure where to send them. I'll be sending them after the 1st of the month. I'll also be sending you a really sexy supergirl costume I also bought.

Anonymous said...

Super becca, I'm not sure where to send the costumes to. I will send them after the first of the month. I will also be sending you a really sexy supergirl costume. All the costumes are brand new and never been worn.