Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New model image

Everyone has been
asking about the new model.

Here is Sasha and  the new model as Wonder Woman Alia

Would love to hear your feedback!!


jc said...

she looks like the innocent girl next door love her Rebecca

Anonymous said...

She looks very pretty. I really like her boots in that Wonder Woman costume. It will be interesting to see what kind of imprisonment she will get herself into.

coreliandude76 said...

She's lovely, and so is Sasha...

coreliandude76 said...

She's lovely, and so is Sasha...

Superbecca said...

Thanks. She will appear at some point in the future

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Both she and Sasha look terrific!

Superbecca said...

yes they do. Sasha will be appearing a lot. I am looking for new models for the site, will let you know who I find.

Anonymous said...

The boots look amazing with the Wonder Woman costume.