Sunday, March 9, 2014

Power outage

Thanks Robert. Still no power here. Hopefully soon

Saturday, March 8, 2014

No power

hey everyone

had a bad ice storm here which has knocked out my power since wed night. not sure how much longer it will be as my town is a mess right now

Monday, March 3, 2014

Black Scorpian story

A villain’s blog:
I monitor Black Scorpion’s progress through my devilishly labyrinthine lair. My cameras secretly follow her every move as she weaves her way with each seductive step through the improvised corridors of huge wooden crates, stacked up high in the vast abandoned warehouse. Her high heels click on the floor with every step. She knows it’s a trap – she has to know it – and yet she has come all the same. Good. She will be mine soon….
Black Scorpion is near the wide open areas in the very middle of the warehouse floor. The wan lights from the fixtures way up high show her sleek superheroine outfit in chiaroscuro: her blond hair framing that black mask, her black body suit, tan hose, and those thigh high black boots. So sexy, I have to capture her!  Soon I will have her in my power, and I will see who is under that mask. Time for me to confront her.  “Welcome, Black Scorpion!” I say as I emerge from the shadows directly behind my prey.
She wheels around on her boot toes and plants her feet wide apart in a power stance, hands on her spandex hugged hips. “Dr So!” she says, tossing her hair back valiantly. I love that in spite of myself. If I were not so sure of my victory, of the cunning trap I’ve laid for her, that attitude would be unbearable. As it is, it’s enchanting, alluring. She is so confident… over-confident, as I will soon show her.  She tries to taunt me, “No henchmen with you today? Are you a little down on your luck?”
“You’re the one who is out of luck, Black Scorpion!” I retort, jabbing a gloved finger at her. At that moment, on cue, my minions creep out from behind the crates, swiftly surrounding the superheroine. “You’ve interfered with my plans for the last time, my pretty little super-pest!”
But the superheroine is still cooly superior. She looks around at my four goons at laughs. “You can’t possibly think that these louts can defeat me with my powers!”  At those words, I take out my special ray gun. I aim it at my sexy adversary, and fire. A cool blue beam shoots out and strikes Black Cardinal in the chest. “Uhnnnnn!” is all she can say as she almost doubles over.
My goon squad moves in and grab her, pulling her arms behind her and holding her fast. “What powers?” I sneer out. “I think my weakness ray has cut you down to size. A very delectable morsel size, indeed!” I add as I ogle her as she struggles in my henchmen’s grip. “Quick, boys, tie her up!”
Black Scorpion strains in the vice-like grip of her captors but can do little to prevent them from lashing her wrists together behind her back. Soon more ropes are wrapped around her waist, shoulders and biceps, firmly binding her arms to her sides. “Let me go!” she demands. I merely laugh, and the thugs start to guffaw as well. Black Scorpion winces as her bonds are drawn extra tight. She must realize she is helpless now, for she asks with a hint of trepidation in her voice, “What….what are you going to do with me?”
“First, I am going to find out your secret identity,” I say with a triumphant snarl. I approach her, and she struggles madly, but impotently.
“No, no, not my mask! You wouldn’t dare!” she says, half defiantly, half pleadingly.
She’s come to the wrong place for mercy. Not dressed like that, I think with an inward, evil smile. No, no mercy for you in those boots, my dear…. “I have far worse plans in store for you, my sweet super-captive, than merely revealing your true identity. This is the least of your problems, hah hah hah….” I reach over to her mask. My delicious prisoner squirms, kicks, tries to look away, but nothing can stop me. I peel off her black mask to reveal… “Why, it’s Becca!” I say smugly. “Oh this is better than I could have imagined. A perfect heroine, ready for peril. And do I have a peril for you, my pretty!”
Becca fumes as she is held. “Do your worst, villain!” she says.
I nod in agreement and smile. “Take her to the laser cutter!” I command.
I can see Becca’s mind working feverishly. Laser cutter? Doesn’t sound good, she’s thinking. Oh no, my dear, it’s not good. Well, it’s good for me: I’ll get to see your last, sexy struggles in your scorching hot costume as you are taken to your doom. But not good for you at all. Heh heh heh….
The goons drag her to a stairwell, down the stairs, and into a basement room. Becca struggles all the way, trying to brake with her booted feet, trying to break free of their grip, even though with her hands bound it’s not like she’s going to get away. And with her powers neatly stored in a clip on my ray gun, she’s no match for us. Helpless: just the way I like her. Helpless, sexy, and more and more nervous about what’s in store for her. So powerful just moments ago and now? Just my powerless little hostage.
Inside the dismal, windowless room there is a futuristic looking conveyor belt, with plexiglass sides, leading to a sinister array of what look like space age dentist drills suspended on complicated hydraulic machinery. The goons place Becca on the far end of the conveyor, and swiftly tie up her luscious legs at the ankles and just above the knees, right below the tops of her mind blowingly hot boots. Becca looks incandescently sexy as she sits, tied up, on the conveyor belt, her bound legs in front of her. If she weren’t a superheroine, and I weren’t a villain – oh well, no use in thinking about that, because she is a do-gooder, and I am not, and so I just have to get my jollies the old fashioned way: her slow, drawn out peril and destruction.
“You’ll never get away with this!” Becca vows as she is tightly tied up some more. But her moans and gasps as she tests her bonds tell me that her pledge is an empty one.
“Right now, I think I have maybe a slight advantage, my dear doomed Black Scorpion, er, Becca. May I call you Becca?”
“You may not, you fiend!” she says with venom.
I laugh and wave away my goon squad, who retreat from the room silently. “Spirit, I like that. Not that it will do you much good, but it will make your demise more entertaining. Observe that you are at one end of a conveyor belt. The belt is designed to take raw diamonds to the laser cutters. Today, however, the lasers will be finely slicing and dicing something a little softer than diamond, namely your slinky superheroine costume and your succulent body inside it. The lasers are designed for precision work, so you can expect this to take quite some time, and to be quite painful. Only the worst for you, my dear.”
“You let me go right now, Dr So!” Becca demands.
“That tone of voice is hardly appropriate given your precarious situation right now, my dear,” I say, approaching her slowly, taking in the seductive vision of the bound superheroine. “I think a little more supplication is in order, a little begging, perhaps….”
“Never!” she gasps out after another moment of futile straining in her bondage.
I hold up her chin with my fingers, and tied as she is Becca can do little to stop me. I lean in and kiss her on the lips. She tries to tear herself away but I know Becca’s secret. And she knows mine. We both love this. I pull away from her, and whisper, “I know you love this.”
“Yes,” comes the whispered answer.
“If you beg sexily enough, you might escape your fate,” I say.
“Never,” is Becca’s reply again, but softer. Her helpless condition is working its magic on her. I kiss her again. There is less fight this time. I let her go and step back to take her in, in all her gloriously trapped sexiness. “Please,” she says. “Please let me go….” She looks at me with heart-melting eyes, silently pleading.
I look her over. The tight spandex costume. The saucy logo on her chest. The out of this world boots. All tied up in a package of seductive perfection. She’s so sexy, she deserves to be let go. She’s so hot at this moment, I should let her go.
“No.” I say the word slowly, then step back and laugh in triumph. Is there anything too dastarfly for me to stoop down to? I hope not.
“You diabolical monster!” Becca says, resuming her struggling. I take out some silk handkerchiefs, and ball one up. “I’ll escape from your vile trap! You’ll see! Justice always prev-fffmmphhhhrrmmmm!” Her vow is cut short as I stuff her luscious mouth with the wad, and then swiftly pull the other silk between her lips into a tight gag.
“You know how to rock a cleave gag like no one else, Becca!” I say, lasciviously ogling her up and down. “Especially in that sexy superheroine outfit!” She mews defeatedly into her gag as I push the switch to activate her death trap. “Good-bye, Becca, my pretty!” I say as the conveyor belt jerks to life, and the lasers start to hum as they power up. “I’ll be watching this from a monitor in my secret office!” I wave farewell and start to walk out of the room
“Mrrrrmmmm! Hfffffrrmmmm!” is all that Becca, the sweet prisonerette, can say as she is taken with agonizing slowness toward the laser cutters. I take one last look: a valiant and strong superheroine, now mewing like the most demure and weak damsel ever. But doing it in the sexiest costume possible. Oh, villainous bliss.
Becca struggles and strains, twists and turns in futility as she is drawn closer and closer to the deadly lasers. They loom over head on the hydraulics like evil vultures waiting for their prey. As the cutting routine is activated Becca sees the laser guns start to swivel, taking aim at the very spot she will be in a matter of mere moments!
She arches her back, thrusts one knee then the other, twists her torso, tugs on her wrists, but the ropes are utterly unyielding! She’s doomed! She’s headed for the lasers, and there’s nothing she can do to stop it!
The Labyrinth
When we last left out heroine….
Becca stared into the mirror in front of her and instinctively smoothed out the sleek spandex of her Black Scorpion costume even there was not a ripple on her skin-hugging outfit.  She had come to the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town in the hopes of finally tracking down her evil nemesis, Dr Asterion, and bringing him to justice. But instead, having followed the clues to this deserted place, she found herself at the end of a long corridor – a dead end, it seemed, with nothing but a mirror to break up the monotony of the dingy walls.
“It sure smells like a trap,” Becca thought to herself, but then paused to look over her reflection in the mirror. The sexy black body suit; the thigh high black boots that could kick the stuffing out of any goon; the mysterious mask, protecting her secret identity as Becca, Edwards…. She was Black Scorpion, dedicated defender of justice! She was powerful enough to handle even the most dastardly of villains and the most deceitful of traps! And – as she took stock of her leggy, sexy looks – she knew looked good, too!
She smiled, only to have a sinister voice resonate from unseen speakers in the walls and echo off the forlorn walls of the corridor. First, there was a low, diabolical laugh that ricocheted back and forth across the narrow corridor, then the unmistakably depraved voice of Dr Asterion: “Heh heh heh heh…. Admiring ourselves, are we, Black Scorpion? You do look fetching in your costume.”
Becca folded her arms over her chest and stuck out one booted foot to the side, tapping it impatiently. “If you were anyone else, I’d thank you for the compliment. But something tells me you didn’t go to all this trouble to ask me out.”
“Indeed no, my succulent superheroine!” the voice replied. “Business before pleasure, my pretty. And my business is to take you prisoner!”
“And my business is to take you to jail!” Becca vowed. “So give yourself up now, and maybe the judge will go easy on you!”
Another stream of cackles followed. “You’ll have to find me first!” the villain sneered over the speaker. At that moment, the floor under Becca’s feet gave way. The surprised superheroine fell through the trap door and onto a metal slide that carried her in a crazy corkscrew through a pitch black downward tunnel, finally depositing her on a stone floor in some crazy underground room. Becca spun around as quickly as she could to try to climb back up if she could, but before she could collect herself a stone barrier slid over the hole in the wall, sealing her in this subterranean tomb!
Becca turned away from the walls. What she saw before her, in the dim light of this underground dungeon,  was a creepy series of walls and corridors in the remaining three directions – a huge maze!
“A maze?” Becca asked out loud. “I don’t have time for games, Dr Asterion.”
“Well, I have all the time in the world for games, Black Scorpion. And since you can’t escape without going through my maze, I think you’ll have to spend as much time as I want you to.”
Becca thought things over, and judged that her best way out was to go through the maze. “Then I’m coming for you, Dr Asterion!” she vowed as she set off, picking the right-most corridor to start with.
The corridor veered left and right, snaking through Dr Asterion’s nefarious underworld to some unknown destination. Sometimes gaps appeared in a wall, revealing a parallel corridor, or the corridor split into two or even three new passageways. In each case Becca opted to go right: she was going to go through Dr Asterion’s maze methodically, and sooner or later she’d come to the end.
Becca moved carefully through the labyrinth, her high heeled boots clicking on the stone with each graceful step.  Of course, as she fully expected, this path led to a dead end. “OK, go back and take the first left, remember to keep the count in your head,” Becca muttered to herself.  The valiant superheroine retraced her steps, carefully watchful for any booby traps that the devious villain might have put in her way.
Our heroine came to a turn. “Waiiiit a minute, this wasn’t here before!” Becca exclaimed. She was sure that the corridor pivoted to the left here, but now she saw that it went straight, with another passageway leading off to the right. “Uh, oh….”
Becca, now confused, decided to start all over again from the dead end. She walked back along the twisty corridor but instead of the dead end, she found new passageways extending left and right. “This definitely wasn’t here before!” the superheroine thought to herself. “Somehow this maze is changing as I go through it.” She called out, expecting that the diabolical Dr Asterion was watching her every move. “I should have known you wouldn’t play fair, Doctor!”
“Heh heh heh, as if you play fair in that outfit, my dear!” Becca could practically hear the leer coming through the voice on the speakers. “Your greatest power of all is how blindingly sexy you look in the costume. It almost makes me want to give up my villainous ways. But not quite, hah hah hah….. and now, my doomed super-prisonerette, to make things a bit more interesting….”
From down both of the new corridors Becca could discern ominous whirring and clicking sounds. Emerging from out of the gloom she saw something shiny, metallic, and fast coming toward her from both directions.
“Have fun with my new anti-superheroine robots, Black Scorpion!” Dr Asterion’s voice cackled overhead. Boxlike, on tank treads, with two rubbery accordion like arms ending in strong pincers, and a swivel head with what looked like laser pistols mounted in place of ears, the robots immediate trained on her sleek form with their beady  glowing red eyes. As if on cue, they opened fire with deadly red laser shots that burned holes in the walls right by Becca’s head!
“I’ve got to get out of here!” Becca exclained out loud, and immediately began running back down the corridor she had just come up.  The robots were on hot pursuit, their pincers clicking as they rolled swiftly after their prey.
Soon Becca saw why she had been confounded by the changing maze, for in front of her whole sections of wall were rotating silently on massive spindles, reconfiguring the passageways right in front of her eyes! As one passageway opened up, she saw a third killer robot not ten feet from her.  This one shot out a slim tether on a boomerang, trying to snare the crimefightress in it!
But Becca was still Black Scorpion, and she dodged the snare, then ran around an newly opened corner and down a passageway. She was now hopelessly lost, chased by robots that were out to capture her – or worse!
Another laser blast seared the wall behind her as she ducked around a corner – right into the center of the maze. Before her was a large room, maybe 60 or more feet across, with several dark passages leading from it. In the center of the room was a large slab of black rock, to which steel manacles had been fixed at either end. Above the slab, barely noticeable in the halflight, was something large, and eerily shiny.
Instinctively Becca ran for another passageway just as two of the robots started coming down her corridor in hot pursuit. Becca ran into the new hallway which twisted and turned…. Right back to the sinister center hall. Robots caught sight of her and began clicking as they advanced toward her.  Becca gulped with anxiety and turned back into the hall. Another robot now blocked her path! Before Becca could react, the fiendish cyborg had shot out a metallic filament which wrapped around her body, pinning one arm to her side!
The valiant superheroine quickly flicked her free wrist and released her secret diamantine knife into her hand – one of her supergadgets that could cut through anything. She swung her hand down and cut the robot filament that had half-caught her, then threw the knife right between the robot’s glowing red eyes! The robot stopped and showered sparks from its head as Becca jumped past it!
“I’ve got to stay away from that big room, whatever it is!” Becca thought,  racing through the hall. At that moment the superheroine realized – the robots were not shooting at her to kill her, they were shooting to herd her toward the slab. Dr Asterion wanted to take her…. Alive!
Anxiety grew to near panic as Becca was bewildered by the ever changing plan of the maze and the ever increasing number of androids chasing her. What should she do? Where should she go? Becca did not want to fall into her vile enemy’s  final trap, but hiow could she escape now? More passages opened up, confusing new corridors that led to unknown places. The whirring sound of robots behind her meant that Becca would just have to run… and hope!
Once again, the  walls of the maze shifted , this time shutting the path in front of her and opening a corridor to the right. A laser shot by her rear told Becca she’d just have to run for it!
The corridor twisted left and right, and Becca’s heart sank when it opened up to… the central hallway. Once again Becca faced the sinister sacrificial slab. More robots were converging on her – four in the central hall, and more behind her. She barely heard the snick of another metal tether shooting out from one of the robots behind her. This time both her arms were pinned to her side. Becca tussled and fought but this time, there was no way to break free. Swiftly  the robots in front of her closed in and grabbed her arms. The tether was released but now she was caught with a wrist imprisoned in a cold, hard, metal pincer.
Becca fought as best she could as the robots dragged her toward the slab in the very centre of Dr Asterion’s diabolical labyrinth, but they were far too strong for her.  They took her to the slab and forced her on her back onto it, where two robots worked on her hands while two more fixed her booted feet. Becca found her wrists being crossed then felt the metal shackles click over them. She tried to kick but could not prevent her ankles from being crossed and trapped in similar restraints. The robots glided away from the slab silently as Becca squirmed helplessly on the cold stone slab.
“Ah, what a vision you are, held down in my trap, Black Scorpion!” Becca turned her head as this time the voice was not coming from a speaker, but from inside the room. She heard footsteps as her arch-enemy stepped out of the shadows as the robots slid into them.
“Let me go now, you fiend!” was all that Becca could say.
Dr Asterion’s chiseled, hard face stared down at her with amusement. “It seems that I finally have you right where I want you.”
“I mean it. Let me go – now!” Becca demanded.
But her nemesis merely shook his head slowly. “Oh, I don’t think I want to do that. What I actually want to do is the one thing my robots can’t. And that is gag you.”
“Don’t you dare, you fiennmmmrrmmm.” Becca’s defiant words were cut short as the villain pushed a leather gag over the superheroine’s luscious lips and fastened the strap tightly in place.
“Heh heh heh, that’s much better. And much sexier.”
“Mmmphffffff! Mmmmphffffrrrmmmm!” Becca mewed as she twisted helplessly in her bonds.
“Now I can reveal how you’ll be finished off, my dear Black Scorpion!” Dr Asterion said with a sinister chuckle. “It’s a classic end for a classic heroine. Watch.” He pulled a lever and Becca could hear gears creaking above her. Moments later she heard the swish and the cold blue flash of a sharp pendulum blade aimed right at her stomach! “It should take but a few minutes for the pendulum to descend and slowly slice you in half, my pretty!” He leered as Becca squirmed and strained uselessly in the manacles. “I always wanted to say that…. My pretty!” He spoke in between the alarming swishes of the pendulum.
“Mmmmrrphfff!” Becca’s retort was stifled by her oppressive gag!
“I think you’ll find your bonds quite inescapable, Black Scorpion. Now I have to run along and conquer the world, since you’ll be out of the way soon. Fare not so well, my dear!”
With that, Dr Asterion retreated into the gloom, leaving Becca to her dire fate. She struggled  bravely but the steel manacles had her! There was no way to get free! The pendulum was slowly descending, inch by inch, swish by hissing swish – a foot of space between blade edge and Becca’s soft body was shrinking slowly but surely!
Becca looked desperately for some means of escape, but the villain had planned his trap well. Less than nine inches remained. Becca pulled on the manacles, thrust her knee out, twisted and fought, but all in vain! Swish…. Eight inches…. Swish…. Seven inches. Time was running out!
“There’s got to be a way out!” Becca thought desperately. But how? Swish! Six inches remained, and Becca was no closer to freeing her self. Swish! It looked like Dr Asterion had finally won!
Is this the end of Black Scorpion? Will the world never be cheered by Becca in her sexy crimefighting costume, leotard and hot thigh high boots? We hope not!

New Wonder Becca Boots

Wonder Becca got some new Red Boots!!!
They would go with SB as well!!

New Video

I so wish for warmer weather here in NC  Today sleet and freezing rain again, and Thursday more of the same,  oh well better weather will be here soon.

I just did a video that had boot removal, unmasking, superherione,  spandex, shiny tights,  and lots of stocking feet!!  If you are a foot lover you will enjoy this!!